Monday 19 June 2017

The whispers

Whispers in my ear

Reminding me of the sins i must confess

Feelings from way back when

I promise i am not proud of myself

But to say i have let go of their memory

Would be yet another lie to the list of some

A compilation of which i feed a twisted mind

To be guilt free of an unforgettable sensation

A sickness which has no cure

A weakness well hidden away from whoever looks to me

An image i have tried so hard to maintain

And so they might never know

The extent to which evil has whispered to me

And the extent to which i had foolishly heeded its call.

                                                      -Samira M.A

Friday 16 June 2017

Wish to forget

Thoughts provoke words
Words provoke action

Darkness seeks light
yet light cant be with darkness

A heart that is hurt
Can bring a tongue to be sharper than a sword

A heart that burns with rage
Can lead one's actions astray

A man that causes a woman pain
Should not deserve for her to stay

But time and time again
My angry heart tells me stay

A soul that is full of pain
Convincing itself it will be okay

However the things i would like to say would bring only strain upon strain

Somebody said to be still
They said to be kind

And they said to be patient
Another said to speak up

To rise up and not let myself get stepped on
Divided in thought,

I have turned a seeker,
Where are my answers

Chest hurts from dissapointment, heart pines from emptiness

Mind runs in confusion and heart yearns for revenge
Appreciative of the world outside because it is to me a great distraction

Afraid to find myself alone
Afraid to feed my rage

Rather focus on something else, away from the fire that dwells in me

I know i cant run forever, but for now
i only wish to forget.

                                             -Samira M.A